Friday, May 22, 2020

How Do You Feel About M&Ms?

M&M's TV Commercial, 'Fainting Santa' -

This M&M Christmas commercial weirdly gets me in my feelings. I think it is because they play the same one every year so it's been a consist thing since my childhood. I'm not really a big fan of normal M&Ms but I love the peanut butter, peanut, brownie fudge, minis, basically all of them except a normal chocolate one like I said. They just tap into my longterm childhood memories which is part of the hippocampus in the brain; makes me imagine Christmas and what happened years ago. Recently M&Ms are doing yearly voting where the company releases three new flavors and you can buy them, try them, and vote for it to be permanent. These really stick with me because I make it a mission to try them all just to say I did it and was a part of the process. It really taps into my declarative memory sometimes, the company released a jalapeƱo M&M and I remember being at the Hilton Head beach trying that with my cousins. I made a co-worker try these and she almost threw up right in front of me so that memory is probably stored in her amygdala. Family members now send me the weird ones they come across and it's a fun conversation starter sometimes. It is kind of cool to think that a little piece of chocolate can take me back to very specific times and places in my life.

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