My client is an 83 year old man diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
I wouldn't really say that during this assignment I had specifically an "Ah-Ha" moment. There was never a light bulb that went off in my head. I think that might have been because of my chosen object. I looked through the list of all the students and had better ideas for some other objects but maybe I just had a mental block because I was overthinking for my personal assignment. You know like sometimes it is easier to help someone else out like the answer is so simple through your eyes but when it comes to your life/perspective you have "blinders" on and can't see past what the object is. I mulled over gloves for a long time, thinking to myself that there is no other possible use of gloves than to wear them when it's cold. Well that's not really true, my mom wears them when she's cutting up jalapeƱos cause she doesn't want the "juices" to get in her finger creases and then possibly in her eye; doctors wear them during exams; and even my dentist when I was younger would blow gloves up and draw faces on them as a "gift" to take home. Gloves have multiple purposes. Who knew?
A take away from this assignment is for me to take off my "blinders" I need to stop seeing everyday basic objects as their single given purpose. I don't have a very creative mind, I would say that I am a very "in the box" thinker. So after this assignment I need to start seeing objects as things as more than the given reason. I think this is a valuable assignment because it proves that you do not have to spend a lot of money for assistive technology or therapy intervention. This will stay with me as an OT because I know I will have a budget and will need to be creative and crafty coming up with simple solutions using everyday items.
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