Thursday, July 22, 2021

Locus of Control

Locus of Control- OT 630

    Upon getting my results back I don't really agree with them. It says that I am a person who has a score of an 18 believes more on the side of external locus of control. I think this exam is based on perspective in a way... Let me try to explain...

    Me personally, I believe that in my own world my actions reflect me and my successes/failures but when looking at a global scale it's more on the people in charge. The video we watched about this kept using the example that a person more on the external locus of control side would blame everyone else if they failed to graduate or get a promotion. This person would blame the teachers for failing to teach him/her or that the boss promoted someone else just because of favoritism. I don't think this way all. On the contrary while I was failing my anatomy course I put the blame on myself because I clearly didn't put in enough hard work to accomplish better grades. I do try to be gentle with myself and remember that I had just moved into a new city not knowing anyone so I lacked any emotional support and that I leaped back into school after having a year and a half off. I did have other factors going on in my personal life but at the end of each day I knew that only my daily actions could change anything. So maybe this example is somewhere in the middle?

    I do believe that we the general public people have zero say in government policies and that people in positions of power stepped on anyone and everyone they could to get to where they are. To try to build off of this I'm going to refer to the options in #3 "a.) One of the major reasons why we have wars is because people don't take enough interest in politics. b.) There will always be wars, no matter how hard people try to prevent them." I selected option b because war is a money maker for our nation, so in my opinion/view I believe we will always and forever be in some type of war. *spoiler* A movie recently released called "Without Remorse" and basically at the end of this movie a politician says that he was trying to create a fake war with (I think I remember correctly) Russia to instill fear in our nation as a way to unite us together and help the economy. Obviously there is more to it but that's the gist of it. I point this out because this movie had nothing to do with people caring about politics at all. It was just one corrupted human in a position of power deciding we weren't doing enough for our nation and so we need war. People can care about politics all-day, everyday but that does not mean change will happen. Let's quickly reflect on 2020 with all the political chaos.... Has the police been defunded yet? Nope. Was there a ton of care and interest during that time and into the future? Heck yea. So I have a hard time trusting those in power. Another example that could be debated would be #8 "a.) Heredity plays the major role in determining one's personality b.) It is one's experiences in life which determine what they're like." I selected b that one's experiences in life determine what they are like. I think this is true yes but also I know through science that genetics and heredity can play a role in someone's personality when considering schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, etc..

    I don't like quizzes like this that try to put your entire view on things down to an A or B option because it's perspective and could depend on your current mood when reviewing it. What if someone took this right after being declined a promotion, I'm sure that person would have a bit of a chip on his/her shoulder and would have a different selection of answers if they did get the promotion. If I were to take this during a depressive period my answers would be completely different rather than when I passed my anatomy class. (YAY). I don't know if I did a fantastic job explaining my thoughts and feelings regarding this topic. It's a tricky topic to explain through just typing out words. But hopefully I gave some thought provoking points to think about over time. Thanks for reading. :)

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